
Mary Sidrak is available for consultation Friday mornings 9:30am - 1:30pm.
Please speak with our Reception team who will assist you with an appointment.

Accredited Practising Dieticians: Your nutrition experts

This service is available to provide nutritional advice and follow up with all types of individuals. Here at SMC, you will see a University qualified and clinically experience Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) who have been trained to provide information and education that is relevant to your needs and based on the most recent scientific evidence. Our dietitian has 25 years of experience in managing clients with different clinical nutrition needs as an outpatient or inpatient in public & private hospitals.

What is an Accredited Practising Dietitian?

What you consume through food has been proved in many areas to affect your health. APDs translate scientific information about nutrition into practical advice about what to eat. APDSs:

  • Assess your current nutritional and medical status

  • Listen to and assess your nutritional needs

  • Develop a personalised eating plan that adheres to nutritional guidelines

  • Educate you on how food can affect your health

  • Provide you with information on

    • Reading food labels

    • Health eating

    • Choosing the best food when shoppping & eating out; and

    • Health ways to prepare food

  • Help you set and achieve your goals

  • Sort out nutritional facts from fiction

All this is available to help you embrace better health

Why see a Dietitian?

This service is available to a wide range of clients. You don’t have to have a diet related or other health problems to make use of this service. If you are interested in leading a holistic lifestyle that promotes better health and helps prevent disease, then we can help you too.
Our Dietitian is able to help clients in the following areas and more.

  • General healthy eating and well-being

  • Diabetes - Type 1 & Type 2

  • Weight loss or control

  • High cholesterol and blood lipids

  • High blood pressure

  • Insulin resistance e.g. pre-diabetes in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Gastrointestinal disorders e.g. Coeliac disease, IBS

  • Arthritis e.g. Gout

  • Food allergies & intolerance

  • Renal diseases e.g. Kidney stones, Chronic kidney disease